Lawn Fertilization. Made Easy.

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Benefits Of A Professional Lawns Fertilization & Weed Control Service


Our professionals understand the specific needs of different types of grass and plants. We know Lincoln lawns.

Save Time

Stay off your hands and knees. Stay on the Couch. We’ll take care of the hassle for you.

Curb Appeal

Always maintain a beautiful, weed-free yard that will make your neighbors wonder what your secret is.

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What Your Neighbors Think


Everyone I've come in contact with at Summit has been friendly, professional, and helpful. Their communication & notification process let's me know when they'll be coming by, what they'll be doing and what I need to do to prepare. When a crew came by to mulch my gardens, I was introduced to each member! 🙂 I really appreciate their friendly & respectful service. I've recommended Summit to friends.

Terri N.


I have been a Summit Lawns customer for several years. Crews are responsive, friendly and extremely capable. Owner is big on customer service and quality of work. Can't say enough nice things about this company and their people!

Sue Bowden


Summit Lawns is a great company to have come and do your lawn care needs. ... They are great at what they do and so kind. I am so glad I reached out to them for my lawn care needs and yearly lawn services!!

Lindsey Licht


Summit Lawns has saved me time and money, freeing me up to do other things. I no longer have to worry about seasonal feeding and treatments of my grass and soil. Summit Lawns takes care of it all for me. The lawn looks great and I feel better about having my family play on the grass that has been treated for all sorts of bugs etc.

Richard Garner

Our Personal 100% Iron-Clad, Money Back, Risk Free Guarantee to You!

Here’s the deal: We don’t do contracts. We earn your business on every visit. We want you to be totally thrilled with our service. So absolutely delighted that you will recommend us to your friends and neighbors. Frankly, we want to take care of your lawn forever. You are the judge, if our work is not excellent we will re-do the item in question for FREE. If you are still not happy, you will not owe us a single penny for that service.

Crazy, right? We thought so. In fact, if we were not the company we claim to be, that guarantee would probably cost us a small fortune. So we’re proud of that.

~ Ted Glaser | Summit Lawns Lincoln

GreenGuard - Our Fertilizer & Weed Control Program

**Please note that there will be an additional charge to control uncommon weeds like Yellow Nutsedge

**Any fungicide or insecticide treatments needed for your turf will need a separate treatment plan

When Do I Begin?

It is important to understand that getting a thick, green lawn is a process. One application of fertilizer and lawn treatment to spray weeds will not solve long term problems. You can sign up at any point during the season and hop into the current application rotation, but this service is designed to work as an ongoing program. We are encouraging the grass to grow thicker with each application, and continually killing off new weeds as they appear. So when is the best time to begin? Today!

Do I Need To Do Anything After A Lawn Treatment?

In short: sometimes yes and sometimes no. When it comes to your lawn, there are three variables at play: anything we do, anything you do, and anything nature does. We work together with you to combat whatever nature throws our way. What does that mean? After each fertilizer application, we provide you with a summary of what we did, what you can expect to see, and any directions you may need to complete. This is where you will find any pertinent watering directions for this specific application.

Frequently Asked Questions​

Does your program kill all kinds of weeds?

Yes! By default, our GreenGuard program covers 150+ different kinds of weeds. Got something special in your yard? We have solutions for that, too. There really are no weeds that we can't control for you!

How does pre-emergent work?

Pre-emergent is a preventative weed control. We put it out to prevent weeds before they even pop! The most common weed controlled by pre-emergent is crabgrass. Crabgrass seeds will always find their way into your soil throughout the year. They sit in anticipation all summer, fall, and winter, and when spring rolls around they try to pop! We time pre-emergent perfectly before the crabgrass pops up to stop it. Metaphorically, pre-emergent is like a blanket we put over the lawn, preventing crabgrass from sprouting up when it tries to grow. We do two rounds of pre-emergent with our program to doubly ensure crabgrass doesn't show it's face in your lawn!

What kind of products go into your liquid fertilizer applications?

Each round of our GreenGuard program is specifically engineered by our partner agronomists right here in Nebraska! Every round is unique, based on the time of year and what the weather is doing. These applications are like a super-charged smoothie for your lawn, with different ingredients each time. We use different kinds of fertilizers, weed controls, and all sorts of soil amendment goodies like humics and fulvics, sea kelp, biostimulants, yeast, and all sorts of things that your soil LOVES. Remember: THICK, BEAUTIFUL grass comes from HAPPY SOIL. So we put a lot of science and effort into incredibly nutritious soil for your grass to feed off of.

Do I need to "water in" my fertilizer applications?

Absolutely! There are times of year where weather and rain do a lot for you, but to get best results you need to ensure your lawn gets the proper amount of water each week. After every application, we give you specific watering directions to follow for that time of year and that application. It's really easy!

Are your fertilizer and weed control products safe for my pets?

All our applications are people and pet friendly. It's always best to stay off the lawn until it's dry, which is generally 2 hours. After that, you, your kids, and the pets are all ready to go frolic again!

How do I request a free weed spray?

However you want! Call, text, or email us and we'll have someone out to your home within 48hrs to knock those bad boys out!

How much water does my lawn need every week?

Your lawn is not a camel. It doesn't thrive getting one drink of water every couple weeks when it rains. The University of Nebraska recommends 1.5" of water per week for lawns in our area. Every irrigation system is different, but a general rule of thumb if you have an underground system is 3 days per week for 20-30 minutes per zone. This will vary on your sprinkler heads and head locations. If you use a hose and above ground sprinkler, try doubling that time. You can actually test how much water your sprinklers are putting out by doing the tuna can test! Tuna cans work great because they have straight sides that don't funnel to the center. Simply set a tuna can in the middle of the area your sprinklers are running and see how much water has accumulated after 20 minutes. Aim for 1/2" of water 3 times per week, and you'll pretty well be set!

Lastly, if we're in a particularly hot or dry spell with weather consistently 90 degrees+, add an extra 10-15 minutes of time to each zone.

Remember, we include detailed watering guides with each of our applications so you know what the best practice is for each time of year.

Lawn Fungus and Disease

When the weather gets hot and humid, you may notice spotty brown spots in your lawn that look like leopard print Or just random brown patches all together in the grass. Watch out - it’s likely that’s a lawn fungus and that stuff will spread and kill your lawn! FAST. It’s super important to act quickly when this comes up You wouldn’t know it until it happens to you, but lawns around here actually get disease. ALL THE TIME Most lawn fungus and disease is like Athlete’s Foot for your lawn:Imagine wearing the same socks every day for a month without changing or washing them. Everything just stayed too damp and humid for too long Gross, right? Well that’s what happens to your grass when it’s hot and humid These conditions are prime for disease And here’s what’s worse: once your lawn gets a disease once, it’s way more likely to get it again in the future Fortunately, we know just how to handle this at SummitWe know how to identify these diseases, treat them so they go away, and then keep you on preventive medicine so they never come back We make it really easy to restore your lawn if it was damaged, and protect it from future damage again If you haven’t already, you can your free estimate right now on our website,

Latest News & Blog

What Is Powdery Mildew?

Powdery mildew is a common fungal lawn disease that causes powder-like spores to plague your grass and plants. Learn how to prevent its spread in this post.

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What Is Fairy Ring?

Fairy ring is a lawn disease that causes circular patches of infected grass and mushrooms to appear in your lawn. Come learn how to spot it and stop it.

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What Is Brown Patch?

Brown patch is the most common lawn disease homeowners encounter, and this blog post will help you learn how to identify it and keep it off your turf!

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