What Is Purslane?

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Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is a sturdy plant commonly found in gardens and lawns. Despite being labeled as a typical weed by some, purslane holds nutritional significance and is intentionally grown for consumption in specific cultures. This succulent annual plant thrives in diverse climates and is recognized by its fleshy, paddle-shaped leaves and small yellow flowers. Despite its reputation as an unwelcome weed, purslane is also cultivated for its edible leaves, which boast high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

This article will provide insights into purslane, offering guidance on identification, detailing its life cycle, and presenting practical strategies for controlling and managing its growth. By the end of this article, you will be well-equipped to address this pesky and persistent weed should it appear in your lawn.

Identifying Purslane

Purslane isn't always easy to identify at first glance. If you're unsure, it's always best to err on the side of caution and contact a local gardening expert for confirmation. Below are some key features to help you spot this succulent invader. 


  • Shape: Oval or spoon-shaped with smooth edges and rounded tips.
  • Thickness: Succulent and fleshy, often feeling waxy or slightly sticky.
  • Color: Bright green, sometimes with reddish margins on younger leaves.
  • Arrangement: Opposite or nearly opposite on the stem.


  • Color: Usually reddish-purple, pink, or green.
  • Thickness: Round and fleshy, similar to the leaves.
  • Hair: Hairless, unlike some purslane lookalikes like spurge.


  • Color: Small, bright yellow flowers with five petals.
  • Location: Bloom at the leaf axils (where the leaf meets the stem).
  • Timing: Bloom throughout the summer months.

Additional Tips

  • Growth Habit: Purslane typically grows low to the ground, forming sprawling mats.
  • Habitat: Thrives in disturbed soil, often found in gardens, cracks in sidewalks, and wastelands.
  • Test The Sap: Crush a leaf section. Purslane has no milky sap, unlike some harmful lookalikes like spurge.

Life Cycle Of Purslane

Understanding the life cycle of purslane is crucial for effective management. Here are the key stages of purslane's life.

  • Germination: Purslane typically germinates in the spring when soil temperatures rise. The seeds are small and can remain viable in the soil for several years.
  • Vegetative Growth: The plant grows rapidly during the summer, developing its characteristic fleshy leaves and spreading along the ground.
  • Flowering & Seed Production: Small yellow flowers appear during the growing season, eventually giving way to seed capsules. Purslane is prolific in seed production, contributing to its persistence.
  • Seed Dispersal: As the seed capsules mature, they release numerous tiny seeds. These seeds can be dispersed by wind, water, or through human activity.

Managing & Controlling Purslane

Before strategizing, it's essential to know your opponent. Purslane thrives in warm weather and disturbed soil, readily germinating from seeds even after years of dormancy. Its taproot delves deep for water, making it remarkably drought-resistant. The plant spreads rapidly, forming dense mats that outcompete other vegetation. Its prolific seed production ensures another generation rises, ready to repeat the cycle.

Prevention Is Key

The best approach to purslane is always proactive. Here are some preventive measures.

  • Maintain A Healthy Lawn: Dense grass with strong root systems prevents purslane seeds from finding suitable soil for germination. Regular mowing and proper watering contribute to a competitive environment.
  • Mulch Wisely: Applying a thick layer of organic mulch around desirable plants smothers existing purslane and hinders seed germination.
  • Choose Your Planting Locations: Avoid planting susceptible crops like lettuce or strawberries near areas prone to purslane infestation.

Direct Combat Methods

For existing infestations, several methods can be employed.

  • Hand-Pulling: This is the most eco-friendly option for small patches. Pull gently after rain when the soil is soft, ensuring you remove the entire root to prevent regrowth.
  • Organic Options: Corn gluten meal applied as a pre-emergent in spring can prevent seed germination. Boiling water poured directly on young purslane plants can be an effective organic solution.
  • Selective Herbicides: Use herbicides labeled for broadleaf weeds like purslane with caution. Read and follow instructions carefully, being mindful of potential effects on surrounding vegetation.

Final Thoughts

By familiarizing yourself with purslane's characteristics, understanding its life cycle, and employing effective management strategies, you can maintain a healthier garden while harnessing the nutritional benefits this seemingly pesky plant has to offer. Remember, persistence and a proactive approach are key to successfully controlling purslane in your outdoor space, and you can always call a professional landscaper for additional information and assistance. Keep these final tips in mind, and happy gardening! 

  • Avoid disturbing the soil around purslane patches, as this can spread seeds and encourage further growth.
  • Monitor treated areas closely for regrowth and repeat control measures as needed.
  • Be patient! Controlling purslane may require consistent effort over multiple seasons.