Weed & Feed Sucks

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[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWCci5FrkT8[/embedyt]Hey guys, Ted here at Summit Lawns, and I wanted to talk to you today about one of my pet peeves. And I'm just gonna say it out, right? We didn't feed kind of sucks. It can work, okay. And sometimes it works all right, but generally speaking, it's just not that great. The fact is, it is a product that you're buying in this pretty bag and it's getting shipped all over the country. It's getting shipped to Minnesota, Texas, California, North Carolina, and here in Nebraska. And the fact is, I'm down here and Thompson Creek in South Lincoln right now. And our lawns are doing great because we're using products that are designed for our local climate and our local soil and weed and feed just are not designed for that. It's just, it's just going everywhere. It's just a generic product. What we use here at summit is designed specifically for our homes here in Lincoln. And in fact, what we use out here down here in Thompson Creek is completely different than what we might use out in Capitol beach, that are just different things in different soils that we need to address and that's what we do at summit. The other problem with weed and feed Is that it's a granular product. And those granular products do not work well for controlling weeds. They, they just aren't good for controlling dandelions they have to be watered in. Whereas what we use is a liquid spray to kill off your weeds and that's what works great. So if you have any questions about that, give us a call. We're here to help you out 40241366 to two, you can check us out on our website or just shoot us a message here on Facebook. ThanksSummit Lawns Fertilizer ServiceOr check out our friend’s lawn care blog