How Much Snow Does Lincoln, Nebraska Get?

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Nebraska is one of the states in the US that experiences all four seasons. While some people might not like the cold, winter has its own appeal to many. One of the things that make winter in Nebraska unique is the amount of snow that falls each year. How much snow does Lincoln, Nebraska get? Keep reading to find out!

Wait... Where Is Nebraska?

The beautiful state of Nebraska is located in the heart of America, in the Great Plains region of the country. Nebraska's central location makes it prone to all sorts of weather conditions, including some occasional heavy snowfall. The state of Nebraska, as a whole, typically averages between 20 and 30 inches of snow per year, with the southern parts of the state receiving less snow than the northern parts and the panhandle.

Lincoln Gets Lighter Snowfall (Usually)

The capital of Nebraska is Lincoln, which is located in what is known as the Dissected Till Plains. This region is characterized by both flat plains and rolling hills, and it includes the eastern part of the state where Lincoln resides. Since Lincoln is located in the southeastern part of Nebraska, it does not receive particularly extreme snow accumulations (like in the north), but residents know to expect their fair share of powder... if not a bit more!

In normal years, Lincoln gets about 26 inches of snowfall, which is usually right on par with the national average among cities that regularly receive measurable snowfall. However, in recent years, the trend has started to change. For example, in the 2020-2021 winter season, Lincoln received a whopping 49.4 inches to almost double their annual average snowfall.

  • MORE SNOW? The increased snowfall in Nebraska is not limited to Lincoln or the Dissected Till Plains region. Almost every county reported an increase in snow from the year prior. In fact, the city of Scottsbluff (located in the panhandle) recorded a total of 70.2 inches of snow in 2021, which is nearly a 30 degree departure from its average.

Is Lincoln Historically Snowy?

Lincoln snow removal

The 2021 winter season was not the first time Lincoln experienced an unusually high increase in snowfall. Only two years prior (2018-2019 winter), snow accumulation totaled 55.5 inches, which is the second-highest total on record. However, before anyone starts worrying about an impending apocalypse, it is worth noting that the record for the most snow in a season goes to the 1914-1915 winter that received 59.4 inches. These large departures from average numbers are normal for many parts of the country, and Lincoln is no different!

While residents and visitors in Lincoln should expect at least some snow every winter, there always have been, and always will be, winters that just don't get very snowy. Only 7.2 inches of snow fell in 1968, and only 7.5 inches fell in 2017. So, to answer the question, Lincoln has always received a moderate amount of snow, with some years being either more or less snowy than average.

It All Goes Down In February!

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This will likely come as a surprise to no one, but the majority of snow in Lincoln, Nebraska falls in February. To be more specific, the most recent data available from the National Weather Service indicated that the amount of snowfall between January 25 and February 15 (only three weeks) accounted for more than half of the snow accumulation totals for 2021.

To give you a better understanding of when snow falls throughout the year, the chart below shows the highest monthly snowfall totals on record for Lincoln:


Record Snowfall


23.0 inches


26.1 inches


21.3 inches


11.1 inches


3.0 inches


< 1 inch


< 1 inch


< 1 inch


< 1 inch


13.2 inches


12.6 inches


24.3 inches

What About The Rest Of Nebraska?

The amount of snowfall varies greatly across Nebraska, with the areas closest to the mountains in the west receiving more snow than other parts of the state. This is also where the panhandle of Nebraska is located, making cities like Scottsbluff and Chadron annual contenders for the snowiest city in Nebraska. The more populated cities, like Omaha and Lincoln, are located in the southeastern part of the state where snowfall is much more mild and manageable.

Snow Removal - The Best Friend Of Nebraska Residents

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No matter how much snow falls, one thing is consistent: it needs to be cleared away! This is where professional snow removal services come in. Hiring a professional team can save residents time and energy, while ensuring that their driveways, walkways, and roads are safe for use by pedestrians and drivers alike. Professional snow removal companies also possess protective gear and specialized equipment to get the job done as quickly and safely as possible.

Accidents happen every winter, and they are usually caused by inexperienced or ill-equipped people attempting to shovel or plow snow themselves. The following benefits of professional snow removal by companies like Summit Lawns should never be underestimated.

  • Timely Services - Calling a professional snow removal company is the best way to get timely services because they track weather with GPS. This way, as soon as it snows, your home will be scheduled for a prompt snow removal service, and you won't have to worry about a thing!
  • Safe Shoveling - Trying to trudge through heavy snow or dangerous ice while shoveling can easily lead to injuries or worse! The pros have the best equipment available, as well as plenty of expertise and experience, so risk is always minimized by utilizing professional services.
  • Better De-Icing Products - Professional snow removal services have access to the highest-grade de-icing products on the market. These products are usually much more effective than store-bought ones, and they can make a huge difference in preventing future slips and falls.
  • Clean & Clear Streets - Especially if you are in charge of a business or storefront, the last thing you want is your property being blocked by snow or ice. Professional-level snowplows keep your business and home easily accessible so your clients or loved ones can safely make it to your place for some cozy, festive fun this winter!